Tourism Marketplace



Trade Type

Tourism marketplace


Ecommerce , Website

TripDo is a company based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, located in the heart of the Dubai Multi Commodities Center (DMCC), which Baccana Digital Consulting visited during an economic delegation organised by the Monaco Economic Board in early 2022. For the update of its organic referencing and advice on the technological development of its marketplace, TripDo decided to collaborate with Baccana Digital Consulting.

What we have done

About this project

TripDo aims to be a new type of tourist package aggregator and platform. Fady Mana, the CEO of TripDo, knows that he must quickly find a place among the majors in the sector. To have a better cultural and technological approach to the tourism industry in Europe and to the Middle Eastern destinations for Europeans, TripDo will rely on Baccana’s expertise for better visibility of its platform and its tourist packages, with a focus on destinations such as Dubai for Europeans, Barcelona, ​​London, New York or Las Vegas for visitors from the Middle East.


the Result

Ask for a FREE QUOTE. Our experienced team of experts will collaborate with you and will carry out research to understand your needs and goals.