SEO Security: Site, Application, Data
Securing your digital capital, a guarantee for the success of your business
All too often, security takes a back seat to website development and marketing strategies, whether through ignorance or, worse still, neglect.
Yet, the security of your digital properties is crucial to you and your users, and therefore also to your compliance with search engine requirements.
Every day, corporate websites are hacked, sabotaged and polluted by malicious hackers on the lookout for the slightest loophole. This can have serious and costly consequences for your SEO and reputation, and in the most extreme cases, the very survival of your business.
SSL certificates, backend and frontend security protocols, page compliance, upgrading your CMS platform and third-party modules, data protection, monitoring payment systems and updating APIs…. You can’t and shouldn’t take any risks!
To prevent you from falling into one of these worst-case scenarios, we analyze your systems and support you in securing your digital assets. With our help, your users and search engines can rest assured that your site and the data they use are 100% secure and reliable.
Secure your site and your business!
Protect your reputation and the future of your business!
Our SEO Security packs enable you to upgrade your site’s security with a set of corrective actions to protect your digital capital and your business.
Our monthly SEO Security programs enable you to continuously improve and monitor your site’s security, reassure your users and meet search engine requirements.
Found out how we can ensure total security for your site and your data
Complete audit of your site’s security, including front, backend and data.
Analysis of security risks and vulnerabilities, recommendations from our experts to secure your entire site, third-party applications and modules, your data and that of your users.
Implementation of corrective measures to ensure your peace of mind, reassure your users and meet the technical requirements of search engines.
Options: Premium CDN, Premium Security Module, Application / Cloud Server Firewall (WAF), Security Watch and 24/7 Monitoring.
Mise en place du monitoring de sécurité de votre site et serveurs, inclus certificats, applications et données, dans le cadre votre plan de maintenance et optimisation en continu de votre site.
Reporting frequency: monthly, weekly, daily or 24/7 according to your schedule.
Contact us for a free consultation!

Want to find out more about how we can help you improve the performance of your web and mobile sites in Monaco, France, or anywhere in the world?
Contact us today for a Free Consultation (30 mins) with our SEO experts.