Through what channels can an Application be submitted to the CCIN?
Files can be submitted to the CCIN Secretariat either in person at the CCIN offices, by registered mail with return receipt requested, or now also through online pre-submission.
In the case of submission via paper form, the form must be sent to the CCIN duly completed and signed by registered mail with return receipt requested.
If the file is handed over in person, a receipt is issued to the depositor.
1. Submission of an Ordinary Declaration File to the CCIN
- Submission of the Ordinary Declaration File
- Complete File:
- Acknowledgment receipt issued by the President of the CCIN
- Implementation of the processing by the data controller
- Incomplete File: Return of the dossier to the data controller

2. Submission of a Simplified Declaration File to the CCIN
- Submission of the Simplified Declaration File
- Verification of the file by the CCIN Secretariat
- Complete File:
- Acknowledgment receipt issued by the President of the CCIN
- Implementation of the processing by the data controller
- Incomplete File: Return of the dossier to the data controller

3. Submission of an Advice Request File to the CCIN
- Submission of the Advice Request File
- Complete File:
- Examination of the dossier by the Commission (deadline 2 months renewable once)
- Favorable opinion:
- Sending of the deliberation to the data controller
- Implementation of the processing by the data controller
- Unfavorable opinion:
- Implementation only possible by motivated decision
- Incomplet file : Return of the dossier to the data controller

4. Submission of an Authorization Request File to the CCIN
- Submission of the Authorization Request File
- Complete File:
- Examination of the dossier by the Commission (deadline 2 months renewable once)
- Authorization from the CCIN:
- Sending of the deliberation to the data controller
- Implementation of the processing by the data controller
- Refusal from the CCIN
- Incomplete File: Return of the dossier to the data controller

5. Data Protection Regime for International Transfers
When proceeding with CCIN Monaco, it is important to consider the specific regime governing international transfers of personal data. This regime applies only to processing involving data transfers to countries that do not have an adequate level of protection, meaning legislation equivalent to Monaco’s in terms of protection of nominative information.
List of countries with an adequate level of protection:
- Submission of the Request for Opinion File
- Complete File (request for opinion file + annex for authorization of data transfer request):
- CCIN Authorization:
- Sending the deliberation to the data controller
- Implementation of data transfer by the data controller
- CCIN Refusal
- CCIN Authorization:
- Incomplete file: Return of the file to the data controller