Ludovic Subran, the Persuader, and his analysis of the current World Economy

Is the World Economy “On the road to nowhere” ? What are we supposed to do with our trading stocks ? “Should I stay or should I go” ? Well these questions and many more found a partial answer on July the 6th in the Novotel of Monaco.

The Monaco Economic Board Members had the “once in a year” opportunity to listen to Ludovic Subran, Chief Economist at Allianz Insurance, for an evening around the topic :Will the war of capital take place?

The conference room showed no vacancy, Mr Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy in Monaco, and Mr Balthazar Seydoux, President of the Finance and National Economy Commission from the National Council of Monaco, were present, and after a smart introduction by Mr Michel Dotta, President of the Monaco Economic Board, the floor was wide open for Ludovic Subran. The lights dimmed and the startling economics’ facts started to flash across the room.

Many hot topics were discussed. The geopolitics currents between Europe, the USA, China and Russia. The Dollar vs Euro. The Ukraine – Russia crisis and its consequences. The unknown long term effects of the pandemic in our economy. The energy crisis. World inflation … and many more nail biting analysis.

How long for the economic sanctions on Russia to disappear ? At least 10 years according to Ludovic Subran.

Will the Euro vs Dollar crash continue ? It will come back to $1.10 to a Euro in 2023 but will remain very low till then said Mr Subran.

Is the Stock Exchange crash over ? The Allianz Chief Economist was rather pessimistic “expect another 15% drop in the coming months”.

What about the energy price ? Will the increase linger ? The Allianz Insurance Oracle mentioned that while the energy inflation in France increased by “only” 7% thanks to the taxation shield, it increased by 200% in Italy… and it’s Summer time. Expect a rude awakening when comes the Fall … “and Winter is coming”, not just on Winterfell.

Sounds gloomy ? Well, Mr Subran tempered, “we are in a recession phase and sorting will be done” concerning the companies and business that had been sustained up till then. Good old Darwinism is back (perhaps) and if you have a solid company, hold on, the best is yet to come as another growth phase will follow.

Some thoughtful questions followed Mr Subran’s vibrant speech concerning the position of Europe regarding Russia which Ludovic Subran summed up as the “Iranisation” of Russia with its arsenal of financial blockades. How about our politics in Europe ? “After 2 years of COVID fighting, they are all tired, it’s human. They should have passed power to less exhausted team mates”. After 1 hr and 45 minutes of one man show, it was time for Ludovic to “drop the mike”.

But it was not over. On the seventh floor of the Novotel Monaco, the Monaco Economic Board had organized a cocktail for the members and extended the opportunity to have private talks with Ludovic Subran. Baccana Digital Consulting seized the chance ask Ludovic a few questions regarding Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, India and China and the game of influence in this booming part of the Asian world. Thank you Mr Subran !

This economic conference was a success. It is always a genuine pleasure to listen to Ludovic Subran whether you are a rookie or professional. Ludovic has that ability to make the most complex economic system understandable to a golden retriever. We just had to talk to a few attendees during the cocktail to sense that every person present fell under the charm of the speaker. Everybody left the conference room with notes to share with their team which says a lot. We will sure be back next year to listen to you Mr Subran. We took some notes for comparison too!

K&R Rail Engineering and Baccana Digital Consulting Forge Strategic Partnership for Global Expansion


K&R Rail Engineering, a prominent company listed on the Mumbai Stock Exchange and headquartered in Hyderabad, India, proudly announces a significant milestone in its journey toward global expansion. The company has entered into a long-term agreement and contract with Baccana Digital Consulting, a distinguished business development and digital consulting firm based in Monaco.

The partnership between K&R Rail Engineering and Baccana Digital Consulting solidifies after an initial visit to Monaco in November 2023. During this visit, representatives from K&R Rail Engineering had the honor of meeting with key figures from the Monaco Economic Board and were graciously hosted by His Excellency, Didier Gamerdinger, the Ambassador of Monaco to India, at the esteemed and iconic Monaco Yacht Club.

This agreement marks a strategic collaboration aimed at leveraging the combined expertise and resources of both organizations to facilitate business development initiatives across Europe, Africa, and the MENA region. K&R Rail Engineering, with its extensive experience and proven track record in rail engineering and infrastructure projects, seeks to expand its footprint into new markets under the guidance and support of Baccana Digital Consulting.

Baccana Digital Consulting, renowned for its proficiency in business development strategies and digital consulting services, will provide invaluable assistance to K&R Rail Engineering in navigating the complexities of international markets. The scope of the contract encompasses a wide range of services, including business development assistance, digital consulting, and feasibility studies support.

Commenting on the partnership, Mr. KP Kalra, President of K&R Rail Engineering, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration, stating, “We are thrilled to embark on this journey with Baccana Digital Consulting. Their expertise and global network will be instrumental in our efforts to expand our presence in key markets across Europe, Africa, and the MENA region.”

Mr. Chris Clavel, Founder and CEO of Baccana Digital Consulting, echoed Mr. Kalra’s sentiments, stating, “We are excited to partner with K&R Rail Engineering and support their ambitious growth objectives. Together, we are poised to drive innovation and create lasting impact in the sustainable rail engineering sector.”

The partnership between K&R Rail Engineering and Baccana Digital Consulting represents a testament to the spirit of collaboration and innovation driving both organizations between Monaco and India. With a shared vision for excellence and a commitment to delivering exceptional value to clients, they are poised to achieve new heights of environment-friendly success in the global railway engineering industry.


For media inquiries, please contact:

Baccana Digital Consulting
Phone: +377 99 907 139


Namaste India ! Baccana Monaco meets Baccana Digital Technologies India

In the wake of the Monaco Economic Board‘s trip to New Delhi in 2019, between the 29th of October and the 6th of November 2023, Baccana Digital Consulting Monaco paid a business visit to the largest democracy in the world : India.

India is a continent, 1.4 billion inhabitants (surpassing China), 6 times the size of France (and almost 1.5 million times Monaco!), 28 states, 780 different languages (though Hindi and English are widespread for interstate communication), the out-of-this-world figures could go on and on.

But to focus on our primary goal for this visit, the IT market, you will find 170,000 registered IT companies in India (450,000 in the US in comparison).
There are some 110 unicorns in India like the Polygon Blockchain for instance, and other big IT players like Zoho Office Suite or iProspect.
You also might know some very famous IT hubs like Bangalore, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Delhi … but do you know Chandigarh ?
Chandigarh is 3.5 hours by train away from New Delhi, at the North West of the Capital. It is the capital of Punjab state, home to 2.4 million people for the TriCity community (Chandigarh, Panchkula, Mohali). Created ex nihilo as the state capital, Chandigarh was designed by swiss-french architect Le Corbusier after the partition of the British Colony of India in 1947 which saw the birth of India, Pakistan and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).

We first landed in the crowded, damp and vivid country capital, New Delhi. We were welcome the first night by a rammed meeting led by the popular Prime Minister Modhi, a meeting attended by an impressive, young, though ecstatic crowd. Our New Delhi stop was the opportunity to meet with fellow Foreign Trade Advisors in India.

Chris Clavel, Baccana Monaco CEO, and David Culot, Baccana Monaco CTO and consultant, met with expat entrepreneurs in the textile and railroad industries. These expats linked to the Indo French Chamber of Commerce and Industry shared with us their 13 years long experience of India which was a good start to our journey.

We then headed up by car to Chandigarh to meet with several IT teams… including Baccana Digital Technologies India LLC, incorporated in Chandigarh, the offshoot of our Monaco headquarters.

During our stay in Chandigarh, we took the time to meet and plan the future with our office manager, Aman, as well as with our humble and young development team, specialized in Ruby On Rails and Angular development, and organized some training sessions for them regarding communication procedures and new western technical requirements.

But Baccana Monaco was also appointed to make a lecture and lead a training session in another Indian IT company in Chandigarh counting up to 80 developers.
With almost 30 years of experience in the management of development teams, David Culot, a Silicon Valley veteran, took the stage for a 40 minutes’ session with acclaimed success.
How to deal with western clients, the power of saying “No, I have a better idea”, work on your code libraries, educate yourself, always improve your tech skills as well as your soft skills were some of the items covered.
The session was followed by questions and answers … questions that went on well after the session and out of the office at the employees’ cigarette’s break!

The Indian IT scene is fresh and friendly, polite and skilled, with plenty of smiles, humility and hidden soft skills that we had the pleasure of discovering.

During our stay in Chandigarh, I also got to meet with Web3 and Blockchain developers. To interact with these Blockchain companies was exhilarating. We openly talked about the Web3 trends (no, Blockchain and NFTs are not dead!) and I got to find out about their geographical markets, as well as the depth of the eclectic clients’ portfolios they were kind enough to disclose. Obviously, as one can expect, most of their customers are in the Emirates, but also as far as Australia, Singapore and the Philippines in fields as diverse as Metaverse gaming, Blockchain gambling or Blockchain trading.

Because business goes well with culture, one of our tech company hosts had the great idea to take us for dinner in the gardens of the former offices of Le Corbusier while he was designing and conjuring the new city of Chandigarh. A night out where the Punjabi spicy cuisine met the soft tunes of Edith Piaf and the bicycle ride of Yves Montand in a tropical garden…

As Chandigarh is situated at the feet of the western slopes of the Himalaya, we could not pass on the chance to follow our office manager Aman on a quick hop in the Himachal Pradesh State, where we took the Himalayan Expressway driving by colorful Hindu temples in the hills, sacred cows on the fast lane and cheeky roadside monkeys carrying their offsprings on their back while munching on fresh apples offered by sun tanned truck drivers on their way to Shimla or Dharamsala, the permanent residence of the Dalai Lama in exile in India.

After our Himalaya hop, it was time to go back to New Delhi by train. Aboard, we had the opportunity to meet with Chubi, a young and talented Bollywood movies’ critic on YouTube. She had been creating content for an Indian Movie Critic company for 7 years and decided to go on her own and take the long and curvy road of entrepreneurship.
It was a pleasure to talk about the Indian movie culture with Chubi (Who does not know Sharukh Khan or Slumdog Millionaire ?), as well as to discover her YouTube channel : Bollywood Dil Se… Because consulting and advising is our second nature, we gave her some tips regarding SEO, online marketing and digital strategy overall. Digital consulting never stops and has no frontiers, it was our pleasure to give and share …
Karma paid off as we arrived in the New Delhi train station. We don’t know how we could have found our driver in the hot and colorful chaos of the Delhi train station without the help of Chubi!

At the image of India, it was a dense and rich business trip. In Monaco we take pride of doing business in a human dimension. The human dimension of this short business journey surpassed everything Baccana Digital Consulting could have hoped for, durably strengthening the ties between our company in the Principality and our India counterparts.

Because we could not do it alone, we wanted to thank Mr Sumeet Anand and Mrs Payal Kanwar, of the Indo French Chamber of Commerce and Industry linked to the Monaco Economic Board, who kindly dedicated some time to us, and gave us some ropes to get in touch with local entrepreneurs.

We also want to thank the network of the French Foreign Trade Advisors in India with whom we had the pleasure to meet either virtually or in person in New Delhi (thank you Damien Berville). These unique encounters are priceless, some great business stories in the making have been started.

More is to come. I had the honor of being received by Son Excellence Mr Didier Gamerdinger before our business journey to India. In early 2024, an Indian Forum is planned by our Ambassador of Monaco to India. This forum will be the opportunity to talk about Baccana Digital Consulting experience with India as well as having some of our Indian counterparts visiting Monaco next year.

An Indian Mantra says that “friendship starts by walking seven steps together”, we took these seven steps with India and wish to continue this walk in Monaco in 2024.

Contact Baccana Digital Consulting for Digital Transition Services or Outsourcing Services

Drone delivery services orchestrated for Superyachts in Monaco by KookieJar and its consortium partners

One small flight for a drone, a giant leap for sustainable delivery services

Kookiejar of Sweden, Superyacht Supplies Ltd, and MC-CLIC, a Monaco-based drone operator, in collaboration with Baccana Digital Consulting, have achieved a successful pilot for a 5 Kilos drone delivery.

This maiden flight was completed from Fontvieille pier in Monaco to the SuperYacht M/Y Ocean Coral, managed by Ahoy Club.

The primary objective was to showcase how on-demand luxury goods delivery through drone services can effectively address logistical challenges while enhancing safety and sustainability thanks to electric powered drones.

Drone delivery on superyacht KookieJar and team Baccana Digital Monaco

The Eagle has landed on the Coral Ocean Superyacht !

The launch, which took place on September 30th 2023 during the Monaco Yacht Show at sunset, represented a significant milestone in the field of luxury deliveries from the shore to the sea. It was the inaugural instance of daily on-demand drone services for Superyachts stationed offshore, catering promptly to the urgent needs of Yacht owners here in Monaco but also abroad.

The drone delivery was swift, seamless and precise, including a luxury watch (Ralf tech), a bottle of Dom Perignon Champagne and caviar (Azure Caviar).

This inaugural drone delivery flight was witnessed by many local and foreign personalities and companies including Mr Guillaume Rose, Chief Executive Officer of the Monaco Economic Board and member of the National Council, Air Chateau company of Dubai, the Giraudi Group and Mr Florent Saez managing the Delovery company, as well as Mr Michel Bouquier of Monaco Private Label.

Drone delivery on superyacht KookieJar and Superyacht Supplies

This project has empowered Kookiejar to access U-space services, collaborating with the Government of Monaco within the sovereign Airspace of Monaco with the Aviation Civile.

This successful collaboration has paved the way for broader on-demand drone delivery services, involving key stakeholders like the Maritime authorities of Monaco.

The cargo deliveries will operate between the Fontvieille Monaco center site on the west end of Monaco and are set to extend to three other installations along the Monaco coastline.

Looking ahead, Kookiejar and its consortium partners envision operating tens to hundreds of flights in the foreseeable future, delivering an array of luxury goods, various types of equipment, spare parts with, and care packages to the Superyachts thanks to a revolutionary app in the making … made in Monaco !

Drone delivery on superyacht KookieJar take off pad Monaco

Web 3 talk at the MonacoTech incubator

Web 3 talk at the MonacoTech Incubator :

Web 3, Educative Video Gaming, cryptos and Metaverse… That was the program of the Web 3 talk at the MonacoTech incubator, organized by the French foreign trade advisors in Monaco.

This time, our dear friends from the MonacoBoost startup incubator hosted this event.

A conference attended by several dozens of business leaders and professionals, coming or not from the tech world.

They came from all horizons with one goal: to learn more about web 3, and the short and medium term opportunities it could bring.

In order to satiate the thirst for knowledge of the entrepreneurs present at this event, Baccana Digital Consulting was accompanied by the Mainbot team in duplex from Paris. With them, we presented our vision of metaverse through Educational Gaming.

Let’s review this successful morning talk of the French foreign trade advisors in Monaco :


What is web 3.0 ?

After arriving at the Monaco Boost incubator, the participants of this morning talk were given a real educational course on Web3.

Sylvain Odureau took the audience through an exciting journey of the 3dVerse. A great presentation of the Web 3, followed shortly after by Baccana Digital Consulting’s vision of the Metaverse.

It was good to remind everyone of the basics of web 3, because the approach to it is totally different from web 2.

Web 2 is essentially based on the exchanges of information between users, this is why social media has flourished since it arrived in the mid 2000.

Web 3 however, takes the whole thing into another dimension… quite literally ! This new generation of the web is focused on decentralization and transparency.

Web 3 is essentially executed through the blockchain. This means that any user can verify the information, and anyone on the network has permission to use the service. In other words, no authorization is required from a third party like in web 2.0.

A world of opportunities that is yet to be discovered. A path in which the principality of Monaco is willing to invest time and resources.

Mainbot x Baccana : Education through the metaverse

Chris CLAVEL and Baccana Digital Consulting brought their approach of Web 3 and the Metaverse: a world full of possibilities in which it is important to accompany the user.

To accompany the users, Baccana has chosen Educational Gaming, with the video game company Mainbot based in Paris.

After presenting their activity, Olivier Letscher, Boris Kesler, Fasano Nicolas Schoener, and Fabien Lomet took to the audience with an introduction on their Winkyverse, a world where knowledge has no limits!

If Web 1 was based on consulting information alone, Web 2 brought users the opportunity to exchange. The Web3 decentralizes the web.

It makes it a collaborative space in which users are free to explore, modify, and own in a totally transparent and autonomous way.

This is the model on which the Winkyverse is based: bringing knowledge in an interactive and playful way on a decentralized and secured space.

Mr Laurent Stéfanini, French ambassador in Monaco made it quite clear : the future of the principality revolves around new technology.

Monaco, despite being a small state, has always been able to seize opportunities and adapt to change while investing heavily in new technologies. This is evidenced by the 5g, or the sovereign cloud.

A Web 3 talk at the MonacoTech incubator rich in information that allowed the audience to learn more about the digital evolution of the web and the opportunities represented by metaverse and web 3.

Thanks again to Lionel Galfré from MonacoTech for his welcome.

Art NFT : First Web3 customer for Baccana Monaco

After months of studying and learning about Web3 and the world of Blockchain and NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens), Baccana Digital Consulting has finally taken the plunge to offer a support service in the creation of NFT from Monaco for a globalized community.

Remember that an NFT can be bought, resold, passed on, collected. Most commonly, the most widely cryptocurrency used in NFTs is Ethereum.

The service is intended to be didactic and complete with:

  • NFT Strategy and Consulting : It is indeed essential to plan your marketing and communication strategy upstream and to adapt NFTs according to their use and the community they will reach.
  • Visual creation & Development : The artists we work with are used to managing large-scale projects. Your NFT will be deployed on personalized smart contracts, created by us and adapted to each project. We can also manage existing works and digitize them in the most suitable format.
  • Promotion & Launch : We are able to reach the communities targeted by the NFT (art, fashion, education, foundations, real estate, travel). Additionally, we seek to educate the public so that our clients can reach a wider audience.



Interesting impact NFT campaigns for brands

As we have brought to the attention of our readers over the past few months, many brands have already taken advantage of NFTs to rejuvenate, support and even completely renew their marketing and brand strategies. To cite just a few examples, the sale of NFT coupled with physical products (Nike), charitable operations (Foundations), contests (Louis Vuitton), gifts, customer rewards, community involvement, image benefits, all of which sure with substantial press coverage.

The fallout spreads out into the adjacent Metaverses. Remember that the Metaverses are virtual and parallel worlds in which many brands open showrooms, organize commercial events (such as a Fashion Week organized by Tommy Hilfiger), cultural or charitable events, in a largely gamified environment for the most part.

Does developing an NFT strategy make sense for your brand ?

This is where our advisory and strategy services come in. We cover with you the following points to assess your Web3 maturity:

  • Boost and rejuvenate your brand : Are you looking to strengthen ties with your customers, business partners, and employees?  Are you in the process of creating new relationships with your brand and your company ? Are you already targeting a young clientele ? How ?
  • New customers and new income : Going for the crypto sphere (young Generation Z and Millennials, with significant purchasing power and a strong community spirit) means developing new income by winning over new customers. Are you thinking about it ?
  • A matter of increased visibility : The Web3, the Metaverse and NFTs are topics that make the buzz. But have you considered attracting the attention of the media, your community and your possible prospects on the various social networks on this subject?
  • Become a company or a brand that puts innovation forward : Taking your first steps in the lands of Web3 and NFTs means injecting a dynamic of innovation into the ranks of your internal teams, whether in the Product, Communication or Marketing departments. To take this step is to broaden the horizon of your teams.



We launch our first NFT client in the art trade

Between all the Web3, NFT and Metaverse subjects that we have in the making in Monaco and elsewhere, we helped our client Denis Ribas to make his NFT debut. Denis is an internationally renowned painter, who was also looking to explore new modern ways to make his art better known.

With him, we have defined an evolving strategy for creating NFTs by collections that will enhance his Opensea profile over time.

This painter who paints only outdoors with brushes and oil paint, has embarked on the digitization of some of his works in order to invest a sphere that is distant to him and yet so close when you take into account his energy and his openness to the world.

We are really honored that he is the first to dabble in blockchain from our offices in Monaco. To discover his first NFTs from his nascent collection on Opensea, we invite you to follow this link : Denis Ribas’ Colection on Opensea

Baccana supports you in your NFT projects, a foreplay of the metaverse

Baccana Digital Consulting initiated, in early 2021, research and learning on NFT projects and NFT sales that took us to Dubai, Paris, Florence with many speakers and artists from South Korea, Poland, from Estonia or the USA, in fields as diverse as gambling, art, fashion or real estate.

Thanks to these collaborations and our expertise in these verticals in Web1 then Web2 for more than 20 years, our team can guide you at every stage of your Web3 project:

  • Strategic advice based on your brand or product issue
  • Digitization in the format of your products or selection, management of artists and creations for your NFTs
  • Minting NFTs in the appropriate Blockchain
  • Marketing and communication strategy for your NFT operation
  • Finally, through our public and private interventions in the Principality and abroad, we proceed to popularize the world of NFTs and blockchain while participating in the education of your community in NFTs.

Ready to play ? Contact-us.

Official partner and Ambassador of the educational Metaverse

Monaco, October 11th 2022 – Baccana Digital Consulting, digital consulting and digital services company in Monaco, with its CEO, Chris Clavel, active member of the Monaco Economic Board, entrepreneur and business angel, are now  business partners, consultants and official ambassadors of the educational Metaverse, the Winkyverse, launched by Mainbot.

As a Monegasque ESN working in the Principality and abroad, and with the support of its international network of clients and contacts, Baccana Digital Consulting will help promote the Winkyverse, the world’s first educational and gamified Metaverse, supported by The Sandbox and built on Ultra, an ethical gaming blockchain.

Baccana Digital Consulting will assist Mainbot in developing the business community of this one-of-a-kind Metaverse with companies, major brands, and NGOs in Monaco and around the world, in order to support them in the Web 3.0 adventure.

Baccana Digital Consulting will thus allow these brands to gain a foothold in an immersive universe, carrying strong values and offering a wide range of entertaining content focused on specific learnings for each type of audience: adults, children and families.

Promoters of disruptive and inclusive technologies, Baccana and Chris Clavel will lead a series of exciting projects that will demonstrate the power and potential of the Winkyverse, gaming, and educational Metaverse ecosystem.

The Winkyverse is the utopian Metaverse where humans live in harmony with nature, populated by iconic Ecobots and Animal Cities – gigantic versions of real-world animals carrying entire communities on their backs – all with total respect for the environment, quality that sets it apart from other platforms.

This partnership will encourage innovation and sustainability in the sector, allowing the most innovative brands to launch serenely into the Metaverse to develop their communities, and to reach their youngest fans around the world thanks to Web 3.0, all with the support of Baccana Monaco and Mainboat.

Being the first educational and ethical gaming metaverse for brands, the Winkyverse will benefit from Baccana Monaco’s vast experience and working relationships with city states and VIPs, to evangelize the use of NFTs, Blockchain and Metaverse; all in order to imagine fun and educational experiences for as many people as possible, while creating new communication and revenue channels for these brands.

About Mainbot and the Winkyverse

Born at Ecole Polytechnique (the best engineering school in France) in 2017, Mainbot was created with one main objective in mind: to take advantage of new technologies to improve children’s education and prepare them for the future.

Its initial product, an educational and evolving robot called Winky, is already used daily by thousands of families across Europe, to teach children aged 5 to 12 about robotics, programming and artificial intelligence.

In 2021, Mainbot and its CEO, Boris Kesler, saw a unique opportunity to take education to a new level by breaking down the barriers between digital and physical, virtual and real life. The company then announced that it would begin work on the Winkyverse, the world’s first educational gamified Metaverse, powered by its own digital currency, Winkies ($WNK). An ICO at the end of the year succeeded in raising €24.5 million to support the project.

In the wake of spring 2022, a first series of around 11,000 unique NFTs, Winkybots, raised an additional €2.5 million.


Finally, at the end of September 2022, a first round of lands’ sales reserved for holders of Winkybots NFTs was successfully launched.

In the near future, at the beginning of 2023, the first NFT games will take place on the Winkyverse.

The first-time investors on the Winkyverse are prestigiously known, such as The Sandbox (a leader and precursor of the Metaverse), Alantra (an international investment bank which recently worked on the acquisition of RTFKT by Nike), CNRS, and the Ecole Polytechnique among others.

The board of Advisors is just as impressive with Sébastien Borget (co-founder of The Sandbox), Deborah Elalouf-Lewiner (co-founder of Edtech), Nicolas Gilot (CEO of Ultra) as well as former directors of Mattel, Disney, Aldebaran Robotics or even Pokemon International.

To date, the development team of the Winkyverse, installed in the heights of the Montparnasse Tower in Paris, has a hundred employees recruited for the most part from gaming leaders such as Blizzard, Ubisoft or Gameloft.

In the spring of 2023, Mainbot will launch a new substantial fundraiser to accelerate the development of the Winkyverse even more.

For more information, visit

About Baccana Digital Consulting

BACCANA Digital Consulting is the go-to agency for the digital transformations of Monegasque companies. Baccana provides its customers and partners with nearly 25 years of solid expertise in many areas of the digital industry and the Internet: analysis and consulting in e-commerce and marketplaces, online and conventional marketing, Virtual Reality and Metaverse.

With a global commercial and diplomatic network, Baccana Digital Consulting offers its services under the same banner for an effective digital transformation, peace of mind and more. We work in collaboration with recognized partners in the world of virtual reality to provide high-end VR animations.

Opening the doors to the Metaverse from Monaco, Baccana Digital Consulting helps companies to establish themselves on the platforms that offer them the best opportunities in line with their brand and their values ​​(Winkyverse, Sandbox or others), designs attractive experiences for target audiences, and implements flexible, scalable and remunerative models.

For more information, visit or contact-us by email at or on the phone at +377 99 907 139.

2nd UHNWI summit at the Monaco Yacht Club

On June the 27th 2022, took place the 2nd ANNUAL UHNWI INSIGHT SUMMIT addressing the topic of “The 21st Century Uber Luxury Client – Insights from practice and research.

The summit was organized by the Cluster Yachting Monaco and the International University of Monaco, in partnership with Monaco Capital of Advanced Yachting, in the realm of the Monaco Yachting Club, and an important crowd related to the yachting industry showed up on this lovely day in the warmth and eternal glamour of the Riviera.

After an introduction by Gregory Benassi of the Cluster Yachting Monaco, followed by Jean Philippe Muller General Director of the IUM, Dr Annalisa Tarquini-Poli and Dr Phil Klaus took the stage in master class act to define “What matters most to the Ultra High Net Worth Incomes and why traditional marketing won’t work anymore“. Did you know that by 2025, 45% of the world’s wealthiest people should be younger than 45 years old ? Well, Dr Tarquini-Poli and Dr Klaus showcased some amazing data and facts that Baccana Digital Consulting sipped like there were no tomorrow.

This class act was followed by another high time with Chiara Mascarucci, Co-founder of Blind Experiences, and Tom Marchant, Owner and Co-Founder of Black Tomato, two bright professionals of the Luxury Travel Industry that shared their knowledge in “How to engage wealthy clients.”

The finale came with a round table moderated by Charlotte Hogarth-Jones of Boat International, who animated the talk regarding “Challenges and opportunities for managing UHNWI customer experience, insights from the frontline.” The speakers, Alexander Staarjes, from Pernod Ricard, Winston Chesterfield, Founder of Barton Luxury and Wealth, and Raphael Sauleau, CEO Fraser Yachts, shared their insights and rich experiences regarding customer experience. The award of the best case study goes to Mr Sauleau with the set up of a mock up pirate attack of a chartered luxury yacht by another superyacht in the Caribbeans. It was right after the Covid, and the families aboard each yacht were related and had not seen each other in more than a year … memories for life.

The summit was a success. We just had to talk to some of the attendees during the lunch break to understand that every invitee learnt something that day and came out with a different perception of the UHNWI market and how to engage it. This summit also gave our company food for thought, and we shall make sure to attend the 3rd Summit in 2023, always in Monaco, World Capital of the Luxury Yachting Industry.

Isabel and Alexandra from Baccana Digital Consulting take on IUM!

Today The International University of Monaco welcomed Isabel, project manager, and Alexandra, marketing manager at Baccana Digital Consulting, for a presentation about the company, its story and its know-how. Isabel had the chance to go back to IUM, where she had studied and graduated three years ago with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and Event Management

“3 years prior I had just graduated from the IUM with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and Entertainment Management, now I’m back in the classroom promoting the company I work for in front of all the students that are sitting exactly where I was, and it is truly an amazingly humbling feeling”.


The presentation allowed the IUM students to get valuable insights about the company and what our work involves within the Principality, in Europe and world wide.

“We are a digital consulting firm based in Monaco that specializes in aiding our clients along their digital transformation, whether it be creating a state of the art digital marketplace, developing or improving an e-commerce platform, or even increasing sales and prospects with online marketing. Our clients range from all sorts of different industries such as the luxury industry, the yachting industry, the motorcycle industry, cross border e-commerce’s with Asia, fashion industry, food industry and in many other trades considering going digital but lacking the competences.”

We would like to thank the International University of Monaco and its students for hosting The Baccana Group,  and we hope that this meetup allowed the students to be even more motivated in regards to the possibilities of their future careers… maybe at Baccana Digital Consulting, who knows !

Chris Clavel interviewed by the MEB on Riviera Radio

Justin Highman on Riviera Radio:

This week, the Monaco Economic Board is very happy to introduce you to Chris Clavel, CEO and Founder of Baccana Digital Consulting. One could have thought that your line of business was heavily impacted by the pandemic. However, I believe this is not the case and you have managed to grow. Could you please tell us Chris, a little more about your entity and your sector activity.

Chris Clavel of Baccana Digital Consulting :

Baccana Digital Consulting was established in Monaco in 2014, and our directors have been involved in the Web industry since 1996 in San Francisco.

Our strong experience in the Digital industry enables Baccana to assist our clients in their Digital Transformation efforts. Our services range from creating state of the art Marketplaces, develop or improve an ecommerce platform, and even increase sales and prospects with Online Marketing.

We are headquartered in Monaco with offices in the US, Eastern Europe and Asia, and we serve clients globally.

We have been growing at a steady pace for 7 years with an acceleration in the past two years. The Pandemics drove many customers our way to get digital.

And the Blue Fund, introduced by the Extended Monaco for Entreprises, was another accelerator. We had a few customers in Monaco but the majority of our clients were abroad. Thanks to the Blue Fund, we started some astonishing long term collaborations with amazing companies in Monaco.

My Monaco Economic Board membership has been, by far, my best investment ever.


Justin Highman :

And Chris I believe that you want to share an update with us today ?

Chris Clavel :

Yes, big news, Baccana is now also a shareholder in some platforms we are developing.

We now partner with the Motorcycling and Yachting industries with stunning marketplaces, as well as with a Cross border ecommerce platform between Europe and Asia.

I have also something to confess Justin. My Monaco Economic Board membership has been, by far, my best investment ever.

I have taken part to about 15 MEB delegations so far, and the outcome has always been very positive.

So, I take this kind opportunity given me by Riviera Radio to thank the MEB for their ever professional and friendly support, and I look forward to taking part in other business delegations starting with Dubai Soon.


Monaco Economic Board 2020 first gathering

The Monaco Economic Board hosted more than 400 of its members to celebrate 2020 at the One Monte Carlo venue on January the 20th 2020.

At this occasion, Guillaume Rose, the MEB CEO, unveiled the roadmap for 2020. A year full of business trips, meetings and tradeshows whether in the Principality or abroad.

Highlights of 2020 will be the SPIEF in Saint Pertersburg in Russia, the Universal Expo in Dubai or a delegation trip to Tokyo among other goodies.

Other destinations include Novossibirsk in Siberia, Hungary, Paris, London, Singapore, Australia, Italy, Switzerland and Belgium.

Baccana Consulting wishes to take part in 3 destinations at least in 2020 thanks to the Monaco Economic Board.

CIIE 2019 in Shanghai China

In November 2019, the Baccana Group, with the MonacObor company, was present in China at the Shanghai 2019 China International Import Expo.

“181 countries and regions represented, more than 3800 foreign companies exhibited, almost a million visitors… and Monaco was there.”

Indeed, with the help of Her Excellency Mme Catherine Fautrier Ambassador of Monaco in China, and the Monaco Economic Board, Monaco made it tho the greatest trade show on Earth. With a 130 sq meters booth at the colours of the Principality showcasing 8 different Monaco based companies.

The Baccana Group introduced MonacObor and its cross border ecommerce platform set to be launched in Spring 2020 to the Chinese public.

The Monaco booth encountered a great success and MonacObor is already aiming at participating to the CIIE 2020 !